Saturday, May 12, 2007


I have finally finished my third year at Boston University. I had my third final today in LF 455: the Nineteenth Century French Novel. It FEELS fantastic. I took a nice little bike ride to celebrate being finished. It is the official first night of summer tonight!

It's always nice to have a feeling of completion -an end to a fantastic year. However, the things I always look forward to are the free time for the people I care about and the projects I have put off because of the daily grind and the work demands for classes. But the thing I really look forward to the most about summer: reading the books I really want to. I already have the first three set up and I CANNOT wait. They are:

These have been on my waiting list to read for a long time and I will begin Deutschland tomorrow.

Additionally, I get to have my first "official" training day at my new job tomorrow. I am now employed at a shoe boutique on Newbury for a Spanish shoe company called Camper. I'm pretty excited about it. The company is really cool, I know I will have fun, and I really love the shoes (which is cool because I get free pairs like these!).

Anyways, I hope all of you are enjoying your weekend as I now am. Don't forget to call your mothers tomorrow since its their day and all. Time to celebrate the commencement of summer.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

looking ahead.

I have just received an email from a friend in Paris (yes, Alexandra, that's you!) about the French presidential election. I have also been following the debates, candidates and outcomes over the past few weeks. Today was the decision day for the French citizens and it seems that they have chosen reform in the vein of the conservative center over constancy in the vein of a social left woman candidate. Sarkozy has won. I don't know what to think yet because we'll see how his ideas pan out. From what I gather (from what Alex informed me), both candidates expressed too many ideas without rational solutions.

I guess all we can do is look to the future to see if Sarkozy's unemployment/immigration/economic projects will benefit France. I think he will be an interesting new president to watch given his diverse background and hopeful policies.

I leave you with a picture that is awkward (does anyone else think that that could NEVER possibly be his arm?).